IGDA Finland 2011-2012 season start on September 6th!

One sign of the approaching fall are the IGDA Finland pub nights. Finnish game dev scene is buzzing due to the eyes of the international game developers community being on Finland! Season kick off will take place on September 6th at Cuba bar. On the agenda we have some casual networking along with live music! Come catch up and hear what is happening in the Finnish game development scene. If you still haven't received your IGDA membership card, ask about it when you register to the event at the desk at Cuba bar. If you are not a member, no problem! Everyone is welcome to take part in the IGDA Finland events! This fall will be action packed! IGDA Finland is arranging interesting events focusing on games, marketing and starting up a game studio, just to mention a few. Top-tier Finnish game studios will share their insights on what has kept them busy over the summer and we will have a visit from the guys of Unity. If you have any wishes or suggestions regarding Unity, see the thread at IGDA Finland's Facebook group wall. The first ever IGDA Finland event outside the capital area will take place in October when IGDA Finland goes to Tampere. We'll have free transportation from Helsinki! More information to follow in late September.

Also: • New website: check out http://igda.fi • We'd appreciate any feedback on the IGDA Finland newsletter • Jobs.igda.fi is at your service!

We hope to see you all at Cuba on September 6th.

IGDA Finland Coordinators team: Sonja, Vesku, Joona, Samuli, Collin, Pauliina and Joonas.

IGDA FINLAND SEPTEMBER GATHERING Place: Cuba Bar, Erottajankatu 4, 00120 Helsinki (map: http://igda.fi/?page_id=5) Time: Tuesday, 6th of September, doors open at 7PM