IGDA Finland Summer Meetups Around Finland ☀️

Many hubs will be having events during the summer, if you’re itching to meet new people or just curious to see what other hubs have to offer, now is a great time to do so!


Turku Hub

When: Tuesday, June 4 at 18.00
What: Fakefish is turning 10 years old this year and Turku gamedev community is organizing a “surprise” party (to which it is not much of a surprise now, is it? But FF team promised to be totally surprised as they arrive) with appreciation and celebration of their incredible journey!
Aura riverside Saaristobaarin Kesäterassi (in case of rain the party will be moved to Saaristobaari at Aurakatu 14)
More info: Link

Kymenlaakso Hub in Kouvola

When: Thursday, June 6th at 18.00
What: Picnic
Urheilupuisto in Kouvola
More info: Link

On the 27.6 Kotka will have a BBQ at 18:00 in Jokipuisto with afterparty at Kuura.

Lahti Hub

When: Friday, June 7th at 17.30
What: Picnic with a twist: Liha/Vihispiirakka Grill Party
Pikku Vesijärvi
More info: Link

Oulu hub

When: Friday, 19.07.2024
What: Summer party
Where: Teekkaritalo
More info: Coming up on IGDA Finland Discord with the role “?Oulu”:

Kajaani Hub

Will be having events, which are most likely going to be a lot of outdoor activities.
Join their Discord Channel to know when the next upcoming event is:
Kajaani Discord