Get 15% off DevGAMM Online Tickets


DevGAMM is moving online for the first time and will take place on May 14-15. The DevGamm and PINE App Teams are working on a tool for online meetings and networking.

DevGAMM Online is:
- Live sessions, round tables, and panel discussions;
- Online meetings;
- The DevGAMM Game Awards;
- Speed Game Dating for developers and publishers;
- A new format for presenting games โ€” Public Pitch;
- Live communication.

Game submissions for developers are open:
Public Pitch (a new format for presenting games) โ€” April 26;
Speed Game Dating (three-minute meetings with publishers online) โ€” April 30.

There is one submission form for all game activities.

Participants will get a digital swag bag that includes promo codes, certificates, and trial access to online products from our partners and sponsors.

IGDA Finland Members get 15% off when using promocode IGDA_Finland15 when buying tickets.

For more information visit the conference website.