April Gathering - After Action Report
April gathering turned out to be quite exciting and attendance rose up to 121 attendees this time - that's the biggest crowd we have ever had for a non-sponsored event!
One of the most obivous new things were the new Elvis pinball machine right next to the reception desk. Also we had a sneak preview of the Flatout Ultimate Carnage in the form of an intro movie. Not suprisingly, Flatout Ultimate Carnage became the most common conversation topic of the night.
It was clear to see that console developers were very well represented, there was quite a lot of Bugbear and Remedy folks attending the gathering this month. There were also a couple of foreign visitors, one from Sega Europe, one from Nordic Games.
For more photos click HERE
There was also a student group from Tampere in attendance, who were interested in setting up first Finnish IGDA Student Game Development Club. Besides Tampere there was also people from Oulu. ELVI project people were looking for suggestions for speakers to a small game dev conference in Oulu. It was also nice to see IGDA Volunteers playing a lot of DS together!
-Miikka Luotio