Coordinator Responsibilities for 2008-2009 Season

Our 'About Us' -page has been updated to reflect our current organization and responsibilities, including an organization chart of how we have structured our coordinator team for this season. Basically we've formalized the split of responsibilites a little more than previously. For our most important areas of events and the website, we've also tried to form partnerships where two coordinators always work closely together, able to cover for the other one if they get sick or something.

IGDA Finland Organization Chart for 2008-2009 Season

Sonja and Vesku take care of all events, where Sonja takes care of the more over arching stuff and Vesku handles the concrete details. Vesku also coordinates the efforts of our sizable volunteer pool.

Miikka and Teemu handle the website. Miikka acts as the Editor-in-Chief and is responsible for all the content, Teemu concentrates more on the backend technical stuff but is also responsible for the visual looks. Juho is our new webmaster and Teemu's right hand man. He is also the hand and eye behind our current logo. Teemu and Juho are helped by the volunteeers of the web team and Miikka has been putting together a group of volunteer to act as the content team.

Whereas Sonja, Vesku, Miikka and Teemu concentrate on the ongoing activities of our chapter, Mats takes care of our 'one-of' projects. These are initiatives that actually have a 'finish date'. Right now he is concentrating on getting the chapter team new chapter t-shirts and updating our out-of-date banner.

As the lead coordinator, I try to help out where I can. :)

- Jay Lead Coordinator