Website engine update

Wordpress 2.3 has been out for a while now and tonight we feel like it's time to upgrade! There will be some minimal downtime, so we will do our magic during the night. *edit: update was a success, but our old template died. While we fix it, you are propably looking for...


*edit2: looks like it'll take some sleep to figure out everything. My apologies if you are offended by the current temporal look of the site. You all can look forward to some nice importable calendar action and a proper image gallery when all this is done!

*edit3: Since we lost our previous style, the website team has decided to make a design refresh to the site, please give it some time to develop to it's final shape.

*edit4: Heavy maintenance over. Please enjoy our new look while we tweak out small stuff. A more complete post of the coolest features will be made when we feel like it's complete enough to be called version 3!