Peliosuuskunta Expa / IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Hub Online Meetup 24th of Feb 2022
Guest: Jarno "Killi" Kallunki-Mättö / HypeHype –
Topic: Creating And Remixing Games On Your Phone
Time: 18:00
Jarno shares experiences and insight on their recent launch of a game creation and sharing platform.
Interviewer: Wanda O Rly (Valtteri Lahti, chairman of Expa)
Date: Thu 24.2.2022
Time: 18.00-19:00 (Helsinki Finnish time 6-7 pm)
Where: Online on Expa’s Twitch channel:
The event is FREE and open for all, language of the online Meetup event language is English! - Invite your friends, questions welcome throughout the event.
Facebook event - share the love!