Leadership Day sponsorship package

Leadership Day by IGDA Finland will be free-of-charge for all attendees. We are looking for partners to join us in by sponsoring the event, enabling us to create the best conference possible.

Our sponsorship package:

Community Sponsorship (3000 euros)

Our community sponsors are our main partners for the conference. We want the event to feel community-driven and made possible by the entire Finnish games industry community and beyond. By becoming a community sponsor you are making this event happen. Sponsor logos will be visible on the event website, and on all marketing materials.

If you have any questions or wish to suggest a different kind of sponsorship, please don't hesitate to contact us:
Christopher Hamilton - christopher (dot) hamilton (at) igda (dot) fi
Ren Soharab - ren (dot) soharab (at) igda (dot) fi
Teemu Haila - teemu (dot) haila (at) igda (dor) fi

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