We are thrilled to invite you to the kick-off event of the capital region's game hub for small and medium-sized enterprises. To start the year off in a truly epic way, we will be launching the open call for the first Espoo GameLAB period at the event!
What’s this Espoo GameLAB, you ask?
We would like to think that our game lab is a creative playground and launchpad for anyone into games and creative business that will also offer pre-incubator and accelerator services. Whether you're a game wizard, a visionary artist, or just curious about the gaming scene, Espoo GameLAB is the place for you!
And what about the game hub?
The goal of our game hub is to create new game businesses in the capital region of Finland. Think of it as a vibrant community space buzzing with game enthusiasts and creative minds. It's not just a hub for gamers; it's a hub for collaboration, ideas, and turning gaming dreams into reality.
When and where all this is happening?
We've found the perfect spot to bring our gaming dreams to life, and we can't wait to share it with you. Join us on Thursday, January 11th, 16.00 - 18.00 at the Mordor auditorium, in A Grid (Otakaari 5, Espoo) to hear more!
- Welcome words by Harri Paananen, Director, Economic Development and Employment,
- City of EspooThe game hub initiative in a nutshell, Daniela Metsäranta, Senior Advisor, Game Industy, City of Espoo
- Espoo GameLAB in all its glory, Jonne Taivassalo, Senior Advisor, Game Industy, City of Espoo
- Q&A
- Refreshments and snacks
Questions, doubts or just want to say hello?
Please contact Daniela: daniela.metsaranta@espoo.fi
We look forward to celebrating this exciting moment with you!
Click here to register your participation by January 9th: