IGDA Helsinki May Meetup / Skunkworks Games

That joyful bliss that is also known as summer is coming at as real fast like. You know what that means, it's time for the last Meetup before the holidays!

And we're going to march into this summer with beautiful memories of a wonderful Meetup. This time we're having the Meetup in tandem with Skunkworks who are not only helping us host a grand event but also giving us two in-depth seminars!

Christina Lassheikki

Sprinkling in story:
Quick questions to sneak in narrative design
The Narrative Designer at Skunkworks Games. With a background in art education, film making and creative writing, Chride is wrapping up their MA in Game Design and Production on game narrative careers and hiring. For 5 years they’ve been working in games research and in the industry on casual, indie and edugame titles.

Alexander Häußler

Adding a little extra:
How to keep adding animated effects to a growing game
The Technical Director at Skunkworks with a focus on game client development in Unity. In the past 13 years, Alexander worked mostly on globally released casual titles. Starting with C++ engines, he moved to browser games and finally ended up making mobile games in Unity.

IGDA Helsinki's last Meetup + seminars before the summer!

Doors open at 17:00
Seminars start at 18:00

Maxine, Kamppi shopping center, 6th floor

Click this here link and let's get in touch!

Come on over to welcome summer in the last IGDA Helsinki Meetup before the holidays!
We got fun and games, and two solid seminars!

Welcome to Arctic Game Week 2022 - Skellefteå, Sweden May 25-28

For members of IGDA Finland and the Swedish Games Industry Association (Spelplan) Arctic Game Week has a special price for a business ticket of 1950 SEK (regular price is 2500 SEK). The ticket gives you full access to Arctic Game Conference, Fantastic Conference, Nordsken, Nordsken VIP-party and MeetToMatch.

Check out the full program at Artic Games Week 2022!

IGDA Helsinki Indie Eve!

IGDA Helsinki Indie Eve is back!

This time we're having two local indies telling about their story from concept to releasing a game and all with all the good bits that goes with it. Come hear their journey, see the games and have a good talk with all your pals, you know, normal IGDA Helsinki stuff. Also, the Demo Corner is open again!

Janitor Bleeds - A retro-inspired horror game set in an old arcade, appearing out of nowhere. A mysterious arcade machine called JANITOR beckons you to play itself, releasing a horrible force upon the player.

Check out the game and follow them!

Steam || Twitter

The Last Cube - Venture into the desolate cube world and discover 3D puzzles in diverse, colourful environments. Carefully crafted puzzles, filled with delightful aha-moments, secrets, unique mechanics and award-winning gameplay.

Check out the game and follow them!

Steam || Twitter

This Meetup does not have a sponsor, which means that the cloakroom costs 2,5€.

IGDA Helsinki Meetup with a dash of Indie!

Tue 12.04.
Doors open at 17:00
Indie seminar at 18:00

Maxine, Kamppi shopping centre, 6th floor

Welcome to Game Job Fair 2022 - April 27-29!

Are you ready to level up in the games industry? Then join Games Job Fair Spring 2022 and take the first step into a new adventure! The Games Job Fair is a recruitment, career-building, and networking event bringing together Industry Speakers and 1000+ Talents from around the world.

On April 27-29, talents can participate in the next fair organized by Games Factory Talents ONLINE, for FREE! The event goal is to uplift talents’ careers, share valuable industry knowledge, and to get the right people to the right jobs; it’s an opportunity for studios and talents to meet, evolve, and network.

Learn more about the event HERE.

Sign up as speaker for IGDA Leadership day 2022!

IGDA Finland is calling for speakers!

Leadership day is coming back and we are now looking for people to share their expertise about building companies, leading teams, shaping corporate culture and much much more!

This year’s event will take place locally at Helsinki City Hall on 26.09.2022!

Do you have something you would love to talk about? Come and share it!

For more information: https://www.igda.fi/leadership-day-2022