Gallery section updated!

Greetings visitor! Gallery

IGDA Finland Gallery section that holds photos from all IGDA Finland events & gatherings has been updated and tidied up. You can now see a thumbnail photo of each event with a short description! There is also a new slideshow feature and now you can view the large image just by clicking the thumbnail!

Go on, have yourself a moment of nostalgia ! :)

Website engine update

Wordpress 2.3 has been out for a while now and tonight we feel like it's time to upgrade! There will be some minimal downtime, so we will do our magic during the night. *edit: update was a success, but our old template died. While we fix it, you are propably looking for...


*edit2: looks like it'll take some sleep to figure out everything. My apologies if you are offended by the current temporal look of the site. You all can look forward to some nice importable calendar action and a proper image gallery when all this is done!

*edit3: Since we lost our previous style, the website team has decided to make a design refresh to the site, please give it some time to develop to it's final shape.

*edit4: Heavy maintenance over. Please enjoy our new look while we tweak out small stuff. A more complete post of the coolest features will be made when we feel like it's complete enough to be called version 3!

New coordinator and webmaster!

Greetings everyone! It is my pleasure to announce that IGDA Finland has gained two new members in their ranks! Sonja Kangas and Teemu Haila!

-Miikka Luotio

New webmaster - Teemu Haila:

Teemu Haila is a finnish student soon starting his second year in TPU (Tampere Polytechnic University). Teemu's major is interactive design, which basically includes a little bit of every aspect of creating interactive media, from graphics to script writing. Aside from his studies he likes the occasional doze of drawing, playing drums, taking pictures of the life around, bicycling, chilling out with friends and doing purely nerdy stuff. He is also propably listening to (DRM-less) music while doing any of the previous.

New coordinator - Sonja Kangas:

Sonja (Kangas) is working at the EGET as a game designer. She also does research and process development at her own company SoupLaLa in cooperation with game developers, console manufacturers and media houses. Sonja was asked to join IGDA Finland crew to organize IGDA Finland Presentations because she is one of the most acknowledged game researchers in Finland. She was an editor of first book about digital games written in Finnish (Mariosofia - Elektronisten pelien kulttuuri). She also did an extensive benchmarking study on mobile entertainment comparing Europe with North America and APAC in 2003. IGDA is about having fun and networking but it can also be an opportunity to learn from other professionals of the industry. Sonja sees IGDA as an excellent forum to reinforce the creative power of game developers and improve the industry.

Site updates - November

Greetings readers! I am pleased to announce the following updates/additions to site:

Featured "Insider" articles

We will soon have original content specifically written for this site. is going to feature a series of "Insider's look at Finnish Game Industry" articles! These articles will cover Finnish game companies, Finnish game industry figures as well as game developed in Finland. These articles will be written by IGDA Finland volunteers and will only be available on this website.

You can send your suggestions for which game, companies and personalities to feature in the future to:

If you want to become one fo the volunteers writing these articles, contact

Educational facilities added into Industry page

A list of educational facilities providing game industry training & education.

RSS feeds!

Now you can get truly live with! Get live RSS feeds of the news feeds at!

-Miikka Luotio, Webmaster