IGDA Finland ry:n syyskokous

IGDA Finland ry:n sääntömääräinen syyskokous järjestetään 9.12.2014 klo 17-19. Paikkana toimii Femman (Eerikinkatu 2, 00100 Helsinki). Kokoukseen ovat tervetulleita kaikki yhdistyksen nykyiset ja tulevat jäsenet. Tarjolla on myös pientä purtavaa ja juotavaa. Tarjoilujen vuoksi pyydämme ystävällisesti ilmoittautumaan etukäteen 1.12.2014 mennessä suvi.latva@neogames.fi


  1. kokouksen avaus
  2. valitaan kokouksen puheenjohtaja, sihteeri, kaksi pöytäkirjantarkastajaa ja tarvittaessa kaksi ääntenlaskijaa
  3. todetaan kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus
  4. hyväksytään kokouksen työjärjestys
  5. vahvistetaan toimintasuunnitelma, tulo- ja menoarvio sekä liittymis- ja jäsenmaksujen suuruudet seuraavalle kalenterivuodelle
  6. valitaan hallituksen jäsenet erovuoroisten tilalle valitaan myös hallituksen puheenjohtaja.
  7. valitaan yksi tai kaksi toiminnan-/tilintarkastajaa ja varatoiminnan-/varatilintarkastajaa
  8. käsitellään muut kokouskutsussa mainitut asiat.


Mikäli yhdistyksen jäsen haluaa saada jonkin asian IGDA Finland ry:n syyskokouksen käsiteltäväksi, on hänen ilmoitettava siitä kirjallisesti hallitukselle osoitteella igdafi-hallitus@igda.fi, jotta asia voidaan sisällyttää esityslistaan.

Jobs site moving to Games Jobs Finland

Since IGDA Finland started offering our jobs site it has grown into the important platform it is today, making it easy for game companies to reach new recruits and talents seeking positions in the industry to find where they are needed.

However, as you all know, IGDA Finland is run by volunteers. The amount of responsibilities has also grown in size over the years and the gatherings alone take a huge amount of effort to organize. Running the jobs site is no longer something that is viable for us to keep around eating away our resources and thus the IGDA Finland board has decided to focus our efforts to events and community activities. This means that from now on all of our attention will be on Helsinki and the other hubs all over the country.

Fear not though, this will not be the end of a safe haven for game industry related jobs posting: IGDA jobs site functions will be transferred to our industry partner Games Jobs Finland/Barona IT for further development and maintenance.

The IGDA jobs site will be closed by end of May 2014 and all traffic will be guided to Games Jobs from now on. Before that all active job ads will be posted to Games Jobs Finland. Games Jobs Finland will contact the current and future partners.

We’d like to thank all the companies who made the jobs site an important employment tool for the industry and hope you keep utilizing it after the transfer! May you find the best talent out there.


How our new Industry Partner AWS can help Finnish game studios to grow?

IGDA Finland has recently got fabulous new Studio Affiliates like Frogmind, Kuuasema and Housemarque. Also Amazon Web Services, G-Cluster and Lexia have joined as Industry Partners. Welcome! Amazon Web Services (AWS) has witnessed several game industry success stories. That's why we decided to have a chat with the AWS guys to learn what type of business growth tips they can give to Finnish game studios.

When it comes to cloud computing, there's no bigger name than Amazon Web Services (AWS). Most likely every relevant Facebook and mobile game developer knows and uses / has used AWS. How big AWS actually is?

AWS: We have hundreds of thousands of customers in over 190 countries and among those customers we have a significant number of gaming customers leveraging AWS. Customers like Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, Supercell and Sega all take advantage of the flexibility and scalability of AWS technology. For game developers AWS offers a comprehensive set of development tools and services that make it faster and easier for developers to build, deploy, distribute, scale, analyze, and monetize successful games.

Why you decided to become an IGDA Finland's Industry Partner?

AWS: We want to support the Finnish game developer community to help them become more successful in their game development efforts. Leveraging AWS services has helped companies like Supercell, Rovio, and Grand Cru to focus on game development instead of setting up and managing the infrastructure.

More concretely, how can AWS help Finnish game development studios to grow? AWS: Game development is part science and part art. Developers strive to deliver compelling entertaining experiences for users but never really know how successful their game will be until they actually launch it. A big question that a game developer must address is how to prepare for game success or even failure? For a Social Game the number of players can be unpredictable; for some games the number increases rapidly and then drops again. To cope with the rapid growth anticipated with their most popular games Monster World, Diamond Dash and Bubble Island, Wooga turned to Amazon Web Services. With AWS Wooga (link to the case study) could scale easily to meet their peak demands. On the flip side, when the peak was met and the game dropped back to a steady state they were able to scale back the number of servers they were using just as easily and all without the headache of acquiring and managing their own physical infrastructure.

Amazon focuses on five things:

1) Pricing - always looking for ways to drive down costs for customers. When Sega’s Online Operation team was looking for a new home for their public websites, AWS was the obvious answer. Once migration on to AWS was complete, Sega noted a cost reduction in server costs of 50%.

2) Flexibility – Game developers are innovators. They are always looking for new ways to bring compelling entertainment in the form of games to users and as such need the flexibility to stitch together infrastructure as they see fit. Sony’s Naughty Dog Game Studio (link to the case study), maker of the popular Uncharted Series, looked to AWS to support them with Uncharted 3’s online multiplayer features and noted that the ability to have low level access to AWS’ powerful services meant that they are never in a position where there is something they can’t do.

3) Rapid Provisioning – With AWS Auto Scaling game developers know that they can programmatically increase the number of servers they use to meet user demand. This means that they can provision only as much as they need to get started and as the game grows in popularity they can scale to meet demand. In addition, they can scale back down when the demand decreases to a steady state.

4) Focus on the game – AWS enables game developers to focus on what they love, building great games, while AWS handles the undifferentiated heavy lifting of core infrastructure.

5) Rapid Growth and Scale – game developers can be confident that there are always resources available to support the rapid growth when a game becomes a hit. Take for example the Finnish-based game developer, Supercell, that successfully launched Hay Day and Clash of Clans in 2012. Since then Supercell's player base has reached over 8.5 million daily players and to manage their infrastructure they use AWS. The AWS services are important for Supercell to manage the rapid growth of their server usage and keep their players happy.

Amazon has done lots of case studies, including many Finnish game industry super stars: take a look at the Amazon case studies to learn more. Just to highlight some, check out Rovio and Supercell case study.

Join IGDA Finland November 12th Gathering to meet with Amazon guys in person.

Spotlight story: Kotka game development scene

It is time to continue our tour around Finland. This time we will take a closer look on Kotka game development scene. Teemu Saarelainen, the new head chef of Cursor and a key person driving the growth of Kotka game development scene answered a couple of question about the local scene. Kotka game development scene in a nutshell: There are more than 15 companies in the Kotka game scene, ranging from game studios to various service providers (game testing, game music and sound). Most recent addition to our growing community is a game publisher: Playground publishing. The number of indies is naturally growing the fastest and we're seeing new companies being established quite regurarly - most of these stem from the game education in the region. Right now there are 5 new indies in the process of getting their business up and running.

Kotka actually has pretty long history of game development and the first game studio (Nitro Games) was founded in 2007. Game programming education has since then had an important role in creating talent for the companies. There's close, day-to-day cooperation with the local Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences and their game studies. Kotka area is also quite fortunate in the sense that the regional development company, Cursor Oy, has been pushing and systematically developing the local games business since the very beginning. Cursor also runs the Play Game Hub, which is the common brand for the Kotka and Lappeenrata game clusters, and LevelUp-spaces that serve as development platforms for new startups.

Image: Kukouri: Tiny Troopers

Nitro Games sure is well known but what else is there? The most recent success stories are definitely Kukouri Entertainment and Skyrock Games, which were both founded in 2011. Kukouri now employs 8 people and brought us Tiny Troopers & Tiny Troopers 2, which have 6,5 million downloads. Skyrock Games also employs roughly 10 people and has recently launched their first title, Gloomy Hollow, through Chillingo. They are currently working on their second (indie) title called Highland Wars, which can already be pre-ordered through Steam.

What are the key factors of the growth of Kotka scene?

The main driver for the development today is naturally the general interest in the games business, but without systematic support from Cursor in the early years and even more so recently, the game development community would probably not exist in Kotka in the first place. Another strength in the region is clearly the education: Kyamk, LUT, EKAMI & KSAO all offer game studies, so we get plenty of new enthusiastic work force. Recently we've also managed to work out a partnership with Google and Aalto University to support the local game dev community and bring their expertise into the area.

When Markus RĂĄmark moved from Cursor to Playground Publishing, Teemu Saarelainen took the lead of local game business development initiatives. What is Cursor and Playa? Cursor aims to build a thriving game cluster in the South-East Finland and we want to create a whole ecosystem around the game development community. Our Playa hub (See also Playa Facebook group) has a strong presence in all of the major game business events throughout the year and we support companies that really want to develop and grow their business. The primary tools for this are the LevelUp-spaces (including hardware & software), Playa Launchpad (business development services) and Venture Gym program (startup accelerator). We're also looking into the possibility of creating funds and attracting venture capital into the region - especially for games. The big goal is a game development cluster which is recognized worldwide and is able to attract both new companies and new people to the area.

Image: Skyrock Games: Gloomy Hollow

After 5 years Kotka will be the leading game development hub in Finland? How to make it last?

In a few years we will have a vibrant game development hub in Kotka which employs over 250 people directly. There will be an even broader range of game studios in the area, but we'll also see more companies that will offer services to the game development community.

To make it last, we need to have quality education, a working startup-scene with good supporting activities, and funding for new games and new companies. Our dev community is a pretty tight bunch, so basically everybody here knows one another - and we're very much looking forward to becoming one of the IGDA local hubs. :)

Have a great summer holiday!

Thank you everyone for the epic season. IGDA Finland is the biggest ever!

To be able to organize best game industry parties and presentations also in the future, IGDA Finland volunteers need to take it easy for a month or two.

We'll organize the legendary, traditional IGDA Finland picnic in July - August. More information to follow. IGDA Finland fall season starts in September. We have some great presentations and news for you! Just wait :)

The venue survey is still ongoing. How do you like Adams Club for Gatherings and Presentations? How can we improve? We will close the survey at the end of July.